Let me help you smile again
Solutions that restore correct mouth functions and increase well-being
We help every person experience the symbiosis of health and beautiful smile.
Snoring mostly occurs due to mouth breathing, which has several causes, such as obstruction to nasal breathing, improper positioning of the tongue and lower jaw, etc. This can lead to sleep apnoea if it gets worse.
Stress and anxiety
Over 40% of the population sleeps with their mouths open and snores on a nightly basis. The lack of oxygen causes a physical crisis, which makes it impossible to get high-quality sleep. Lack of quality sleep is the number one factor causing increased levels of stress and anxiety.
Bite problems can cause a variety of health issues, including pain and tension in the head, neck, shoulder and back. It also increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease and may cause speech and breathing problems.
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, leads to a number of health problems, including tooth wear and muscle tension in the head and neck.
Long-term bruxism can damage your teeth, cause chronic headaches and affect your sleep quality.
Oral health issues such as bruxism (teeth grinding), sleep apnoea or poor dental health could be the cause of your (morning) headaches. We will determine the cause of your headaches and find the most suitable treatment.
Difficulty swallowing can be caused by weakness or dysfunction of the tongue or pharyngeal muscles. Difficulty swallowing can also be caused by dental problems, dry mouth or diseases of the oral mucosa.
Why should you choose dr Kalle?
In my twenty years as a dentist, I have had the pleasure of helping thousands of people improve their oral health.
Providing long-lasting and holistic solutions and a prompt service to people from a variety of backgrounds is my everyday priority. Thanks to flexible financing, the necessary treatment is accessible and affordable for everyone.
The treatment is based on scientific research carried out by doctors, scientists and orthodontists. I guarantee you the highest possible quality of care.
The treatment is successful in 99.5% of cases. In addition to treating patients, I have also personally undergone both myofunctional therapy and aligner treatment. We focus on complex cases and provide holistic solutions that have shown to be successful on the long term. Everyone can be treated.
1000+ satisfied patients
Learn more about oral health on social media
Las pildid räägivad enda eest, miks Myobrace MÜOFUNKTSIONAALNE TERAAPIA on tänapäevane efektiivne ravimeetod ortodontia ennetamiseks.
Ortodontilise ravi alustamisega alles 13-14 aasta vanuses oleme maha maganud suure ja avatud võimaluse ennetada väga piiratud või keeruliste kompensatiivse ja kirurgiliste sekkumistega ortodontilist ravi.
Fotol võib näha, kuidas keel pressib esihammaste vahelt välja, ehk keel liigub neelamisel ette-taha.
See tähendab, et keele puhkeasend ei ole suulaes ja funktsionaalsus ei ole korrektne.
Teraapia käigus korrektse keelevahendid loomine on kriitilise tähtsusega, sest kui keele asend ei ole püsivalt ülemise kaare sees, siis tekib peagi teraapia eelne situatsioon ja vajalik on ortodontiline ravi.
Müofunktsionaalse teraapia eesmärk on taastada funktsioonid iseennast ülevalhoivaks, et probleemi juurpõhjus (ebakorrektne funktsioon) saaks lahendatud.
Oleme Eestis Myobrace ravimeetodi integreerinud edukalt meie raviplaani, lahendades edukalt ka kõige keerulisemaid juhtumeid igas vanuses patsientidel.
PROFESSIONAALNE VALGENDAMINE KODUS? Jah, kodus saab ka hambaid valgendada nii, et tulemus on professionaalne ja see päriselt töötab! 🤩
Autograph hammaste valgendussüsteem on arstiga koostöös toimiv lahendus, mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks kodustes tingimustes.
Sinu hammaste järgi loome personaalsed kaped, mille abil kannad valgendava geeli hammastele.
Valgendav aine jaotub laiali üle terve hamba ja valgendab 1 tunni jooksul hammast seest väljapoole. See tähendab, et sel ajal kui valgendusgeel teeb nähtamatult oma tööd, saad Sina mugavalt tegeleda muude toimetustega.
See ei ole vaid mugav aja- ja rahasäästlik viis, vaid ka:
💎 kergesti kasutatav süsteem
💎 ohutu ja hambasõbralik
💎 tõhus ja kauakestvaid tulemusi tagav
Komplektis on kaks valgendusgeeli süstalt, millest saad teha ligi 20-24 valgenduse sessiooni.
Broneeri esimene visiit kliinikusse, et toota personaalsed kaped ja saada spetsialisti konsultatsioon ning võid mugavalt alustada hammaste valgendamist kodus. 😉
Küsi julgelt lisa või uuri rohkem kodulehel www.drkalle.ee
Mis toimub diagnostika visiidil? Milleks vajalik? Kas diagnostika on valus? 👇🏻
Diagnostika annab võimaluse vaadata ja analüüsida hammaskonda ruumiliselt ja funktsioonis olevana.
See toimub moodsa 3D skänneri abil ja eriti äge on see, et pilt hambumusest kuvatakse koheselt ekraanile. Patsientidele on see samuti huvitav protsess, sest skaneeritud vaade võib tuua üllatavaid avastusi, mida ise peeglist vaadates tihtilugu ei näe.
Digitaalne 3D mudel annab rohkem võimalusi näha ja analüüsida seda, milline on hetkeolukord ja kuhu raviga soovitakse välja jõuda. Kõik see annab arstile informatsiooni täpsema ja parema raviplaani koostamiseks. 🤓
Hambaravi seostub inimestele ikka valu ja ebamugavusega, ent muretsemiseks pole absoluutselt põhjust, sest 3D skänner diagnostika on täiesti valutu ja mugav protsess.
Tegelikult ei ole ükski tegevus ega ravi etapp patsiendi jaoks valus ja oma närvisüsteemil võid dr Kalle kliinikus lasta puhata. 😌
Kui Sul on küsimusi, siis küsi julgelt ning tea, et oled oodatud läbima oma naeratuse muutmise teekonda koos meiega! 💜
Every question matters
Depending on the number of aligners and whether one or both arches are treated, the cost ranges from €2000–4000. However, based on my experience so far, most cases require treating both arches with an average cost of €3500.
Payments are made in several instalments. You can also pay using the affordable Inbank instalment plan with an annual interest rate of 9%. You can sign a contract directly from the ‘apply for financing’ section of Dr Kalle’s website.
Aligners are designed for people of all ages and are suitable for anyone who understands how they work and can follow the instructions correctly for treatment success.
Aligners are also suitable for children once their teeth have begun to change. However, I typically address such issues in children with myofunctional therapy. The best time for this is generally during the active growth phase between the ages of six and ten.
It is similar to physiotherapy and is aimed at improving the function of the muscles of the face and mouth. The goal is to ensure the correct resting position of the tongue and the proper swallowing pattern and nasal breathing to restore proper functions and prevent any issues.
Myofunctional therapy can prevent the need for orthodontic treatment, especially in children during the active growth phase.
Among other things, the therapy addresses issues such as sleep disturbances (including snoring), mouth breathing, teeth grinding, excessive salivating, atypical swallowing, etc.
The price for anti-snoring aligners is €495. All interim analyses and adjustments, if necessary, are free of charge.